If you want to learn the native language of Aruba, there is no better place to start than with iLearn Papiamento
While iLearn Papiamento can help you out of tough language barrier situations, it never hurts to know some of the native language, and the locals will like you even better for it.
★ No Internet connection required
★ Multi-language
★ Unlimited Updates
★ Easy to navigate interface
★ 20 Categories - All in 1 App
★ Ability to play all words & phrases automatically in each category
★ High quality audio pronunciation by native speaker
★ Effective and efficient for travelers visiting Aruba
★ Comprehensive Papiamento vocabs & phrases
★ Ability to adjust speech speed
★ Easily store your favorite items
Available Categories:
★ Basic
★ Numbers
★ Greetings
★ Alphabet
★ Bank
★ Shopping
★ Travel
★ Driving
★ People
★ Romance
★ Restaurant
★ Health
★ Flights
★ Hotels
★ Time
★ Dates
★ Animals
★ Sports
★ Education
★ Phrases